In their own words...
"brainvive was a wonderful, life changing experience for myself and my daughter. I have seen many positive changes in my daughter such as improved reading skills and improved emotional capacity. I have felt more calm, relaxed and better able to bond with my loved ones as well as handle life's daily stresses. Chris and Jess are the best. You feel like family when you walk in the front door and you are sad for the program to be over."
"We're so grateful to have "found" Brainvive! Gabe has shown improvement in his quickness to perform math skills. We haven't had a tearfilled math lesson since completing the program. He is less aggressive, less argumentative and seems calmer. Living with ADHD and Autism, along with processing hurdles in both math and language is hard. We see that these hurdles have been greatly lessened after brainvive! We're so grateful!"
Mom of Gabe, 12 year old boy
"We've seen big improvements with Evie's ability to bounce back from emotional dysregulation. She's experiencing less meltdowns overall. We have also seen improvement with her sensitivity to noise and loud sounds. Chris and Jess and Chelsea were all so helpful and explained it all so well. We are thankful!"
Mom of Evie, age 7
"We've seen big changes in behavior and attitudes. The vocal tics have also decreased and we continue to see a shift in motor tics as well. Over all he's just a calmer kid and his whole demeanor has gradually changed."
Mom of Jesse, age 11
"As a mother, I am glad we did the brainvive program. My son's communication increased, his elopement decreased; and he has increased in the area of self-advocacy. Overall he has improved in many areas. He has exceeded our expectations. Thank you brainvive."
Mom of 10 year old boy
"Landon seems a little more open to communicating, doesn't seem angry/depressed. Seems to speak his opinion more, he is good. Chloe seems way less anxious and handles stress much better. Her grades are improving in college. She hasn't been depressed since attending brainvive. She seems more like her "pre-trauma" self. Personally, I feel less anxiety at work and home. Of course it doesn't do away with stress, but I feel I manage it better. We are very thankful for brainvive!"
Mom of a 17 & 20 year old
"At the recommendation of our child's physician, we came to brainvive. Our doctor had given us a brief explanation of the process, which sounded wonderful. After our pre-assessment, Chris went into great detail of the benefits of brainvive. I noticed small changes in the first twelve days in-office treatment. Thou, for the remainder of the month, using hte light box, there was noted marked improvements of a grander scale. Now at 8 weeks out, our child seems so much happier as a whole. He does not stay or get as "stuck" when things are not going as well in his life. He is able to "shift" quicker. Also, his speech is clearing up, which has been a huge obstacle, previously. I have also noticed our child starting more tasks and seeing them through to the end, without prompting. We have also observed our child keeping a "mental checklist" instead of always writing things down. One of the biggest changesI have seen is Mitchell not obsessing about things that are far into the future. We are grateful that our physician told us about brainvive. We have already told many people of all the positive changes we've witnessed so far."
Mom of 10-year-old boy
"We had such a wonderful experience at brainvive! Our child loved going for treatments and has had marked results since. In particular, we've seen increased emotional regulation and decreased sensitivity to loud noises and other sensory stimulation. Seeing the positive results on paper was also so cool and encouraging. Chris, Jess, Chelsea, and the whole team are so warm and welcoming from the first moment you enter the doors. We have been recommending brainvive to everyone we know!"
"Both of my young adult sons did the brainvive treatment and it was well worth it. They both have improved mental clarity and they both are more agreeable. My younger son handles stress much more effectively and is much more respectful to our entire family. My older son has severe PANS/PANDAS and he has been much more agreeable about his treatment and appointments since brainvive. this was well worth the investment."
"I highly recommend brainvive! The multi-sensory program opened neural pathways, and peripheral vision fields that have helped in school, sport and life in general. The long pauses have dissipated as processing speed has improved tremendously. I also can't say enough about the hospitality of the team. Am grateful for this program!"
Mary Michael
"I had been following Jess and the brainvive program for years thinking that so much of what she shared I saw in my son. I knew there was something out there that could help support him feeling safe in his body. Finally, we took the leap to head to ATL for the 2 weeks. It has been the best decision, creating the most transformation in my son I could have ever hoped. Things began shifting for him immediately. From being angry constantly to being back to his happy self. He had never gotten himself dressed alone or of his own volition and began waking up and getting himself dressed! And now he's reading with enjoyment and curiosity whereas previously he was completely blocked. The shifts and changes have been endless. I tell everyone about brainvive and it was hands down the most supportive program we've done for my son and our family. "
"brainvive has been such an incredible blessing to me! I struggled with migraines, vertigo, eye and temple pain for over a decade with no medical answers for a cause. Over time my cognitive skills were deteriorating and I was no longer comfortable driving. My chiropractor suggested brainvive, and sure enough, my brain was not processing information correctly. After treatment my energy level improved rather quickly, and my cognitive skills got much better over time. I am driving again, and my headaches and temple pain are greatly improved. The brainvive staff is absolutely wonderful and very caring! brainvive has been life changing for me!"
"brainvive has been amazing for our daughter. Would recommend this to anyone especially if you feel like you have tried everything. The people working there are incredible and only want the best for their clients."
"Not only did my husband and our son get holistic care to help work the brain in revolutionary ways, but at brainvive you have the added benefit that the Toews family is the best. The atmosphere is always warm, inviting, and professional. They care so much about each person who walks in the door and helping each get the best results and care that they need. The whole family will go through the process eventually!"
"brainvive is something special. My daughter is dyslexic and despite many accommodations at school was failing to make progress in reading thus affecting her performance in all subject areas. We heard about brainvive and were eager to give this unique approach a try. Something shifted in her during the program. While she has a great deal of work still ahead of her, she is making progress with her reading. Things are finally beginning to click. She is feeling motivated and is eager to read which is something new and exciting for us all. Chris and his team are loving and supportive, and we are so appreciative of brainvive and its impact on our lives."
"I can't say enough about the benefits of brainvive! Six of my family members (including myself) have now been through the program, and the results have been life-changing. The owners, Jess and Chris, are wonderful and extremely knowledgeable. They go above and beyond and are genuinely concerned about your wellness and progress. My child who had been treated for severe PANS/PANDAS for years dramatically improved once we did brainvive and is now in college. After the program, my own cortisol (stress hormone) level was normal for the first time in the last 5 years, and my sleep has significantly improved. I'm so grateful for BV and literally can’t recommend it enough!"
"Xander seems to be able to control his emotions somewhat better since the program. His focus seems a little sharper and for longer periods of time."
Mom of Xander (age 10)
"Chris, Jess, and Chelsea are great! The staff is knowledgeable, understandable, and relatable. Keep doing meaningful work leading to positive, impactful changes."
Mom of 13-year-old boy
"Blake appears to be more calm and has less outbursts of energy. He also does seem to push through his homework drills with less fatigue and has more stamina with lengthier activities. Seems to be adjusting socially better this school year."
Mom of 11-year-old boy
"Overall we’ve noticed a change in global functioning. She’s generally been significantly less stressed and less reactive. I absolutely believe this coincided with treatment effects from brainvive. Physically her movement is smoother and she is less clumsy. I also think there was a positive impact on organization. It seems like she’s holistically more in control of herself and can respond more appropriately, even when stressed. We’re very thankful for the positive outcomes she is experiencing from treatment at brainvive."
Mom of Reid (age 13)
"I’m glad to have tried something different other than tutoring or counseling. I love treating the deeper things going on inside of my kids that regular modalities don’t address."
Mom of Flavio (age 10)
"Jack is now able to read chapter books even if it is sporadic. Before he would not do it at all. He no longer needs to listen to Jonah to fall asleep. He is helpful again at home. His old self has re-emerged. Examples are saying hi to strangers and helping them empty their shopping carts onto the check-out counter. No tantrums in the car after school. More genuinely happy. He is singing sometimes in the car like he used to. He is drawing."
Mom of Jack (age 13)
"I am much more calm. I feel more balanced. I don’t get anxious as often or as easily. Sights and sharp sounds that once were triggers don’t affect me the same way they once did which is a HUGE blessing"
Heather (age 43)
"Vincent did improve with his speech and much better sleep (falling asleep and staying asleep). Much better reading and comprehension."
Mom of Vincent (age 7)
"It would have been so easy to give up, but after coming through the program, I feel like we have so much forward momentum. Our son has made so much progress in social connection, eye contact, and went from eating soft pureed foods to essentially every texture. And since, he’s learned how to hold a fork and eat. It's incredible to see the improvement in his processing and understanding what we say to him and following directions. He’s beginning to say his first words and we are overjoyed. We continue to tell everyone we know about this special place."
Walker (age 5)
"I am an occupational therapist and a mother of a daughter who went through brainvive. I have been exploring modalities for my daughter's sleep and anxiety disorders since she was an infant. With my background as an OT, the results of my daughter's brainvive evaluation made a lot of sense. We committed to the program, and I have no regrets. Although we can't deny natural development, the growth into a happy and carefree child has been undeniable over the past year since she did the program. Her resistance to learning and engaging in challenging tasks was always a struggle for us but this has shifted tremendously. I have enjoyed seeing my child as the person I knew she was!"
Janine Wiskind, MS, OTR/L
(12-year-old daughter)
"Giving Teyanna a better opportunity to succeed! Everyone here is great! Thank you guys for working with my schedule and taking good care of her while she was here. We appreciate it!"
Mom of Teyanna (age 13)
"The brainvive program helped me in numerous ways. It brought tremendous healing to areas where I carried a lot of grief from my childhood. Processing and healing from that, has freed me up to see all the good people God has surrounded me with now. I am more comfortable in my skin, more confident and able to see my abilities since going through the program. I am able to focus better and be more efficient in all that I do. I am experiencing less anxiety and overall feel freer and more balanced in being myself."
Lydia (age 45)
"After seeing the life changing results in all 3 of my kids, I took the plunge on the brainvive program personally. I wondered, could it help my anxiety calm down, could my perfectionism and intensity in my relationships experience some changes? I can gladly say the results spoke for themselves and these issues have greatly been resolved! I am so thankful for this place."
Lisa (age 50)
"After a concussion, I struggled with migraines, vertigo and vestibular symptoms for over a decade, as well as nearly constant pain in my left temple. My symptoms got so bad that I felt like my world was closing in on me: I couldn't drive anymore, could hardly think straight, and felt like I was going crazy. Natural treatments helped, but nothing solved my problems. After discovering Brainvive and doing the sessions, I am regaining my cognitive abilities and am driving again! My pain is not constant anymore, and my stamina and day to day functional ability have increased. brainvive has changed my life."
Chris (age 50)
"It’s absolutely amazing the difference that brainvive has made in our son. He’s doing very well in school, staying focused, staying out of trouble, and catching on to baseball and soccer. Have to admit, when my wife suggested we do the program, I was skeptical. Totally sold now though!"
Jackson (6)
"Michael has shown some improvement in handling his emotions better! He is able to look others in the eye more and speak more calmly and clearer than before. For example, when ordering his food at Chipotle and talking with the parents of his friends. He seems to be handling the stress and anxiety he feels before playing competitive soccer better. He gets over being mad quicker and seems to be maturing in his behavior as well."
Michael (age 10)
"Before doing the program, he used to flip his numbers and letters when tired, and struggled to read quickly and comprehend. We noticed great improvement as the weeks and months went on in these areas. A few things we weren't expecting to happen were his increased ability to swim with ease, he learned to ride a bike and even his running has improved. It definitely impacted his coordination in a positive manner! We weren’t expecting this much change and I would tell other parents that we’d do it again if given the opportunity!"
Nathaniel (age 7)
"I am so excited to have found this multi-sensory training! Before the program, my daughter had an ADHD and mild anxiety disorder diagnosis, she had a terrible driving record, seemed stuck in a “frozen” state and often responded with, “huh?” or “I’m so confused.” She also suffered from a mild concussion that we thought we’d remediated with vestibular therapy. The simplest tasks could be overwhelming. Her eval at brainvive showed a significant blind spot on both sides with minimized peripheral vision. After 30-days of the program, this girl’s brain is online! She processes info quickly, she texts “otw” now. She doesn’t zip out of our driveway and her brother said she drives “annoyingly slow” now. Praise God! She has even grown out her fingernails, what? I also love the heart of this place started by a mom and dad like us, simply wanting to help other moms and dads enhance the lives of their own children. As a mother of 4, I cannot recommend this program enough."
Margaret (age 19)
"We definitely see positive changes from Reed since doing brainvive. His handwriting has drastically improved. He has almost completely quit flipping his letters. His recall has improved. He is completing his homework much faster and with less supervision needed."
Reed (age 7)
"Since completing the brainvive program my capacity for everyday life has noticeably expanded. I am no longer burned out at the end of day and now look forward to after-work activities. The physical feeling of stress and anxiety that I would feel in my body is no longer present. I have noticed an increase in precision in my mind where prior to the program there was a significant amount of brain fog and overwhelm being managed under the surface. The brainvive program has jump-started my desire to heal my relationship with emotions and has given me the ability to push back against a “everything is fine '' mentality. I am so thankful for the brainvive program and the refresh of daily life it has given me!"
Chelsea (age 34)
"I chose to do brainvive along with my two kids. After the program, I've noticed a more even and steady mood and more balanced energy in myself. My daughter learned quickly to ride her bike shortly after we finished the program and her willingness to engage increased. My son has matured, appears clamer and has stopped having some involuntary movements he was having. We enjoyed the experience together and found Brainvive to be a welcoming and comfortable environment."
Ashley (age 38, 11-and 8-years-old)
"Tully is doing well since the program and had some amazing metacognition things shift. She’s had actual self awareness and apologizing for saying the wrong thing even though she didn’t mean it. Before she was very defensive and shut down when I tried to talk to her about how to resolve conflict or miscommunications. It’s been so amazing to hear this from her. SELF AWARENESS in a new way! She also had been in speech for her R’s and after the program, she began rolling her R’s beautifully when she had been unable to make that connection!"
Tully (age 10)
"I’m sleeping better overall. Far less sleepless nights. No chest pain, I am calmer in situations that are stressful or emotional, if I could get paid to multi-task I would do well. I am able to bond more deeply with my children. Since completing the program, I’ve had some insane parenting bonding moments… I’m just able to stay calm and really give each child what they need…it’s like feeling without cobwebs…and I’m seeing wonderful responses from them because of my new abilities."
Megan (age 38)
"I am seeing so many great results with our son, Luke. He is able to express his feelings and communicate so much better. He is hugging me when he sees me in public, and saying I love you more freely. I can tell he has sharper focus and clarity in sports. He’s more open to trying new foods and wearing new clothes/styles. He has less fear in going to new places. I am so thankful I overcame the fear and unknown with trying this program. It has been a life-changer for us and made our lives better!"
Luke (age 9)
"I can’t believe how much the multi-sensory training at brainvive helped change my life. I have seen so many shifts over the last 3 - 6 months. I am able to cope with stress in a greater manner, I’ve seen social anxiety shift for me, and my ability to fall asleep or go back to sleep has increased. As someone in their late 60’s this has been incredible for me. I feel a lot more like my old self again - confidence is returning and so is my desire to be emotionally connected and available to my friends and family. I feel my mental clarity has increased. I highly recommend this program for aging adults and have seen so much unfold for me over the last 6 months."
Janet (age 69)
"We've seen such an improvement in her social skills and desire to hang out in groups of friends. She's no longer overwhelmed by crowds, camps and larger group settings where before that used to be a challenge. She's also doing great in school."
Grace (age 12)
"I just feel more calm and confident, and have particularly noticed that my peripheral vision has made driving less stressful. I used to always get so tense, and I can now see that my restricted visual processing was negatively impacting my decision making and abilities!"
Elizabeth (age 62)
"After the brainvive program, I’ve seen shifts and changes! A few specific ones. . . I started a new business! It was just something I have wanted to do and I did it. I know that it was because of the work that we did during the program! So thanks for all you’re doing and love witnessing the after program effects! Also, I used to always get upset because I could never pick out a lower harmony when I was singing, I know, first world problems. But over the last few weeks, I have been able to hear them and very imperfectly sing them! That’s been so fun. I highly recommend it."
Kristi (age 36)
"Nickolas is finishing his school work in less than 4 hours where it would take him 8 before The multi-sensory training. He is not spinning around in his chair anymore. He is more focused. He even decided to take a robotics class and he finished it in no time flat. He will be entering his first contest in two weeks!"
Nickolas (age 10)
"Ethan is not having his meltdowns like before. He catches himself and redirects his own behavior. He is doing so much better in school. He is more loving towards Doug where before he would avoid him at all costs. He is more focused on school and is performing and recalling better. Even the boys are getting along much better too. They are inseparable. Thank you!"
Ethan (age 5)
"The program at brainvive changed his life. He's now able to manage his emotions and anger in a more appropriate and healthy way, and his academic performance has noticeably improved. We've had teachers remark as well as other parents who know him of the changes they've seen. We highly recommend this program and are so grateful."
Jude (age 9)
"Most of Roman's "major" progress (post program) happened at 4, 6, and 12 month marks.
Watching his progress has been stunning. This month, his social skills have absolutely skyrocketed. His social skills have been improving all along; it's as though the social skills piece was the final piece of the puzzle and now the puzzle is complete. We have some minor vestibular system things to work on, but EVERYTHING has pulled together so nicely! There’s no doubt in my mind that his auditory, visual and vestibular systems are working together."
"One of our players, Andrew, suffered a series of concussions and was in need of multi-sensory training in hopes of re-establishing his visual acuity, balance and coordination skills. What has happened has been remarkable. I have worked with Andrew since he was 10 yrs old and have thrown him thousands of pitches. Countless drills have been done and results and feedback recorded. I can tell when Andrew eats too heavy a lunch by the way he swings. I am very sensitive to his skill set. The improvement after the treatments he received after this program was shocking. His ability to track the baseball, and increased confidence in his hands was amazing. He simply understood on a new level where he was in space as relates to the pitch. Where he was a bit in front or underneath the baseball, he is now square and strong. I am always looking for any way to get players to the next level they aspire to. Frankly, some kids get to a point and they cannot continue to progress. With this form of specialized visual and vestibular training, the ceiling is raised again."
Professional Baseball Coach
(President of a baseball academy in Illinois)
"Jonathan’s speech pathologist was so excited about his progress. There were a couple of graduate students observing him who had observed him before and they were amazed! Here is what the pathologist said in an email to me: “Increase in imitative responses, increase in phonetic repertoire (number of sounds used increased), increase in communicative attempts, increase in following directions. We are extremely impressed and pleased with his increase in attentiveness and communicative attempts – also increase in joint attention."
Jonathan (5)
"Our child is more receptive to following rules without outbursts. It is great to have people dedicated to helping these kids, and I will be forever grateful. I tell everyone I come in contact with about how beneficial it has been."
"Regarding Fede he is doing very well. The areas of improvement are the following:
1. He has more words in his vocabulary.
2. He creates his own sentences with 3 or 4 words, such as “Papa, I want water” and many others.
3. He is starting to ask to go to the bathroom.
4. His words are a little more clear.
We are really happy with his development.”
"Nick is doing amazing! Everyone keeps telling me as the weeks go by all the new things they see. The teacher started making lists: We have seen a huge difference in eye contact, understanding, following directions, and response time is so quick – usually we only have to say things one time. The self-stimulation concerns are still there but getting better every day. He is also doing well with his fine motor skills, with less resistance to it. Last week he did it with a therapist for 25 mins. without resisting me."
"I’m happy to report that my daughter Emily’s therapy experience was positive and highly productive. She had all the typical signs of a moderate pervasive developmental disorder (and was given the non-diagnosis of PDD-NOS). While we haven’t returned for post-testing yet, I can personally confirm that her sensory symptoms are all but resolved. Emily used to have considerable trouble with various sound frequencies, but she hasn’t complained of ear pain once since the initial 12 days ended. She used to have severe problems with gross motor function, and now she’s climbing all over the playground equipment with virtual ease. Thanks to the effect of the ‘magenta’ light, emotions, I can tell, have been pent up for years and have come spilling out. I can’t think of a sensory symptom that has not improved – sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste -- I even see significant vestibular and proprioceptive improvements. Although she still stutters (and we have time to wait for an outcome on that) at least once she said “Mom, I’m not stuttering. The words are coming out!” Emily’s experience with the intervention gets our respectable endorsement."
"This therapy is absolutely amazing! I am a survivor of extreme childhood trauma. So as an adult, I considered suicide but never really wanted to die. I have been to all sorts of therapies, but thoughts of hurting myself and hating myself kept coming back. I finally found this program, I no longer want to die, I want to live. I even have felt what it is like to be content. I am more easily able to accomplish goals that are getting me closer to my dreams. I have gotten my life back and hope back. I still have struggles, but I do not go to such a dark place anymore. I am so grateful to have been able to do this work."
Anonymous Adult
"I wanted to take this opportunity to give you a list of some areas we’ve seen improvement in with Mason since completing the therapy. This has been VERY exciting for us, as we’ve seen improvements in areas that we were not anticipating:
I can’t tell you how happy we are that we decided to do the therapy. We will definitely recommend it to anyone looking for an option for their child."
Mason (age 6)
"For years, my son has been dealing with sensory issues - poor coordination, midline issues, hypersensitivity to pain and an affinity for soft, soothing fabrics, along with mild ADHD - poor executive function and a very slow processing (25thpercentile), and major distractibility. When tasked with homework, he would take his pen to pieces, chase a crumb around the table, name it, anything but homework. The multi-sensory training helped a great deal. His visual processing speed increased dramatically, and we saw significant improvements in his visual/motor skills. This was clear from the tests that demonstrated these, but also seen in his everyday life. He was more "in the game" on the basketball court, aware of what was going on and more engaged. He could catch the ball because he could see it coming! His swimming also improved - something clicked for him and he started to move in a more fluid, coordinated way. We also saw changes in his school work. Just weeks after he finished the multi-sensory training, one of his teachers (who did not know what we had been up to) commented, "He has been a different child since Winter Break. He’s more responsive and more present and his handwriting has improved dramatically". It’s been nine months and we continue to see positive changes. We are thrilled with the impact."
"If you asked me if we would bring our son to do it all over again, I would answer, "You bet!" The reason is simple. I'll take any progress for my son. The results for our son are clear. It has unlocked a platform for our son to progress with limited frustration on his part. It appears that this platform has freed him, enabled him & he knows it too. It brings pleasure to see the frustration turn to pride, as he turns the wheels of progress – we see the fruits of his initiatives and exposures daily. This brings us relief, pride, hope, and possibility – we look forward to the future."
"I've been reflecting back on why I ended up putting our son in your program. Life used to be very complicated and often frustrating. Harris is very active & slept very little. Probably due to his lack of sleep, he had “meltdowns” daily at 4 p.m. He would pound his head & throw things. He didn’t answer questions, and we wondered if he really knew where he was or where we were going. He was locked in his own world. I just wanted to update you on his remarkable progress. It’s been a few weeks since we left and finished the light therapy. Harris’ speech pathologist immediately noticed he was at a much higher level of speech, attention, focus and comprehension. He truly has taken a huge jump from where he was. I’ve been looking all along for a magical pill to help him along and give our family real fighting chance at a future. Harris starts kindergarten in September, and now he really does stand a chance of making it in life. The multi-sensory training has been our magic pill. It hasn’t cured him; however he’s on the right track. We explored so many other therapies, and feel we could’ve spent years and an awful lot of money and still probably never really achieved the results gained from the multi-sensory training at brainvive"
Harris (age 5)
"Ten years ago, I sustained concussion and vestibular injuries in a severe auto accident. Lingering problems with vision, balance, chronic pain and fatigue made it impossible to continue my medical career as planned. I tried everything I could to recover, but nothing
worked well until friends referred me to the Neuro Rehab Protocol at Brainvive. The sensory reintegration process facilitated remarkable improvements in balance, vision, visual tracking
and depth perception. More importantly to me, the program also resolved my chronic pain and fatigue within thirty days. I want people to understand that the pain and fatigue are not simply reduced, but in fact are gone. The program is an ingenious, effective and efficient way to facilitate significant, durable recovery from concussion and vestibular injury. When I tell others about this program, I usually just say - It gave me my life back."
Barbara Harris, MD, MBA
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