The protocol at brainvive uses light, sound, smell and motion simultaneously to create powerful change in perception. Each session challenges an individual’s dominant systems to adapt to this input and work more efficiently. Neuroplasticity allows for the ability of neural networks to be altered when these sessions are repeated over a short period of time.
The brainvive Neuro Rehab Protocol is a non-invasive intervention that challenges the brain to create new neural pathways. Each session promotes greater efficiency in the brainstem region, supporting the Reticular Activating System, which is the entry point for the organization of stimuli coming in. If this area of perception that helps us respond to the world around us isn't optimized, is under-developed or was interrupted by trauma or illness, it's difficult to learn, hold focus, and regulate emotions and anxiety levels.
This 30-day intervention is broken into 12 consecutive appointments (straight through the weekend), followed by 18-days of simple, home-based light therapy.
During each session, an individual simultaneously experiences all 3 of the following:
An individual lays down on a comfortable moving table (which looks like a therapeutic medical bed). This table gently lifts up and rotates in a small circular motion, activating the vestibular system. It is a gentle, rhythmic motion, not a fast or spinning sensation. The orientation of the table changes daily to cross the midline or the horizon.
An individual looks upward (naturally because they are laying on their back) toward a computerized light instrument. This circle of light is about 12 - 18 inches from the face and is gentle to look at during each session. The light in these sessions impact an individual’s visual fields and each session builds on the session before.
Headphones are worn during each session with modulated music playing, which can be customized to an individual’s needs. The sound along with vestibular and visual stimulation helps to create greater auditory efficiency, impacting behavior. The individual's limbic system is activated through gentle non-toxic smell, which controls emotions, memory and more in the brain.
"In my field, it’s rare to find a program that can address the nervous system and retrain it with such incredible benefits."
Dr Monica Beckham, co-founder of The M Center
As an occupational therapist, the brainvive program is a great modality to add to a treatment plan to maximize potential gains in other therapies, and propel a child or adult forward into reaching a more functional state of being. I have seen multiple clients of mine shift into a calmer state of regulation after performing the program, which has only enabled them to benefit more from my OT services.
- Janine Wiskind, Occupational Therapist
Whether you have a diagnosis or not—you can encourage healthy development and work to improve processing abilities, performance and behavior.
A brainvive program begins with our thorough evaluation.
During this evaluation,
our clients will be measured on their functional visual fields (central and peripheral vision), complete an Auditory Listening Profile that maps the frequencies an individual hears, and a m-CTSIB test to assess performance of balance and inputs when the sensory systems are compromised.
We believe in providing our clients with a comprehensive evaluation to detect potential vision, auditory and sensory impairments that hold an individual back from maximizing their potential in learning, processing of information, memory, performance, sleep and more. This evaluation provides an individual or a parent with an incredible amount of information so the right next steps and healing intervention can be made.
Focus, Confidence, and Learning Potential Starts Here
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